Thursday, May 12, 2011

Entre-Leaks Promo Video "Briefly about Entrepreneurship"

"Briefly about Entrepreneurship"

In today's fast developing and ever changing world so many opinions exist about what entrepreneurship is. We have made an attempt to summarize them all by asking students and professors to share their thoughts about it. 

And what do you think?

We hope to hear your opinion.  Don't be shy, leave a reply! :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Grand Heritage Doha Hotel and Spa

The Grand Heritage Hotel Group
“Welcome to a World of Tailor Made Services”

By Igor Pak

I would like to start by introducing the newcomers to IRF (International Recruitment Forum in Caux) this semester- The Grand Heritage Hotel Group. I had great opportunity assisting Mr. Pierre-Marie Vasseur- the Pre-Opening Manager of Grand Heritage Doha Hotel and Spa and Ms. Sophie Thiry - the Manager of Grand Heritage in Italy, during the first day at IRF in Caux.

Let me introduce briefly for your evidence The Grand Heritage Hotel GroupGrand Heritage was found in 1989 by John. W. Cullen, who aimed to focus on historic properties that suffered from lack of branding and boutique expertise.  Today Grand Heritage owns and operates large number of Hotels and Resorts across North America and Mexico. Grand Heritage’s future plan is expanding. Due to this plan, Grand Heritage is currently developing In Western Europe, US, Mexico, and Caribbean, Bermuda and finally Middle East.  Their first international hotel - Grand Heritage Doha Hotel and Spa with 137 rooms which is located in the heart of Doha, opened this month and represents the pure essence of living. We can be proud to announce that some of our students are the luckiest to experience this event in Doha.

Hospitality moving towards Entrepreneurship

The core management of Grand Heritage Hotel Group is based on flexibility and privacy-mentions Mr. Pierre-Marie. You may question yourself how does it relate to the Entrepreneurship?!


Grand Heritage positions its spirit as an entrepreneurial one. The entrepreneurial spirit possesses direct influence throughout all departments in hotels Grand Heritage operates.  So how can it be seen in reality? -  The entrepreneurial way of leading for Grand Heritage is non-traditional and de-centralized- the best example of it would be the relationships with employees.  Mr. Pierre-Marie the Pre-Opening Manager of Grand Heritage Doha Hotel and Spa states that it is all about better conditions for their employees and special treatment. Grand Heritage tries their best to meet all needs and expectations of their employees by providing high-standard accommodation, meals, transportation, solutions for  visa issues and of course additional benefits. 

Grand Heritage believes in open/free relationships between heads of company and employees, so in order to communicate with heads, employees are not required to have a special permissions form their managers, but they are free to communicate directly.

Grand Heritage finds an importance in providing proper and detailed training for their employees, which means that all employees are properly trained for the chosen positions by group professionals and in addition Grand Heritage outsource pure trainers/professionals in order to give more knowledge to their employees who will represent the spirit of Grand Heritage in future.

Entrepreneurial management of Grand Heritage Hotel Group allows and gives an opportunity to employees to make decisions by themselves, but all decisions should be measurable and appropriate. You will not being held responsible for making your own decision towards your guests and their fulfilled satisfaction.

Gathering all perspectives of entrepreneurial management of Grand Heritage, Mr. Pierre-Marie Vasseur describes this approach in following words: Reactive, Productive, flexible and creative.

It was already announced that The Grand Heritage promises a great variety of new job opportunities due to the new management contract of the second iconic property in Doha, which will be operated by Grand Heritage.  So for those of you, who are interested in Grand Heritage, do not miss your opportunity at future IRFs. You are also able to view all current updates and apply for a job while visiting the website of Grand Heritage, which is

Finally on behalf of Mr. Pierre-Marie Vasseur and Ms. Sophie Thiry, I would like to thank SEG group for proper organization of IRF that made Grand Heritage representatives stay smooth and productive.